Thursday, 12 April 2018



We are a non-profit continent-wide Nican Tlaca (Indigenous) educational organization, NOT Hispanic or Latino, working to undo 500 years of European serial holocausts and genocide on our people. We are working to regain our history, our Nican Tlaca collective identity, and we are working to educate our people on our Pre-1492 history of accomplishments and our Post-1492 history of European genocidal crimes.


SPIELBERG is planning to do a film on Cortez with Amazon films that will ignore our holocaust and the genocidal acts of the Europeans.  He will romanticize Cortez. 

He is going to play the narrative of the "White Legend" of the lies of colonialism, white supremacy, and the genocidal apologist chant that says: 
"We were superior. The "Indians" were inferior. We had the right to invade, massacre, steal, rape, kidnap, enslave, destroy civilizations, rob graves, and use smallpox biological warfare to kill 100 million "Indians", to kill 95% of their population, in order for us to take their lands and their wealth so that we could be the powerful wealthy nations that we are today."

Spielberg has proven that he is an apologist for genocide and a promoter of genocide.  He did this with his film "Road To El Dorado" which he made in the year 2000. In that film, he makes a mockery of our civilizations and hid the serial holocausts that the Europeans committed.  He did that in a cartoon!  He was making European savagery more acceptable! He was making genocide more acceptable! He totally hid the holocaust of our people.  Those were all acts of genocide! 



Europeans have promoted the immoral and sociopath "White Legend" of superiority, of the right of conquest, and of hiding the truth of how they "conquered": hiding the fact that they "conquered" only because of their use of smallpox as a biological weapon of mass extermination. This was an extermination to the point of killing 95% of our population, killing 100 million Nican Tlaca throughout our continent. They were aiming to kill 100% of our people, but they failed.  We are here to say that THE TRUTH WILL NOT REMAIN HIDDEN FROM THE WORLD!

The telling of these whitewashed, incomplete, cleansed, false stories of all of these "glorious heroes" of the colonialist genocidal narrative is meant to reinforce white supremacy! These tellings of false histories are ACTS OF GENOCIDE.

Films like this Cortez film of Spielberg are meant to justify Europe's monstrous crimes and to keep Nican Tlaca feeling inferior, hopeless, and to lessen our anger at their crimes. These films of the "White Legend" narrative keep European descent people feeling superior, proud, and ignorant of all of the true and complete list of their crimes against our people.


Genocide is defined as:
"...the planned annihilation [killing] of a national [Mexican/ 'Central American']
or racial group [Nican Tlaca, Indigenous people] by a variety of actions 
[biological warfare, oppression, enslavement, denial of Indigenous identity
aimed at undermining the foundations essential 
[our Pre-European Nican Tlaca history and the wealth of our continent 
to the survival of the group as a group".

The Europeans did all of that to our Nican Tlaca population. But there are more subtle forms of genocide, as in the case of Spielberg's year 2000 "Road To El Dorado" and his planned "Cortez" film.

Genocide, in context of SPIELBERG'S CORTEZ FILM, needs to be understood.  Promoting the lies of the "White Legend" that says Europeans were superior in all matters and that Nican Tlaca (Indigenous people) were inferior in all matters IS AN ACT OF GENOCIDE. The "White Legend" always whitewashes the holocausts, massacres, genocide, and other crimes of the Europeans.  This is what Spielberg will do, going by his track record of genocide with his racist and genocidal film "Road To El Dorado".

In AMERICAN HOLOCAUST David Stannard puts it this way about the complexities of genocide:

"...genocide is the coordinated and planned annihilation of a ... racial group by a variety of actions aimed at undermining the foundations essential to the survival of the group as a group. [Raphael] Lemkin conceived of genocide as 'a composite of different acts of persecution or destruction'. His definition included attacks on ...national feelings [of Nican Tlaca] ...and the economic existence of the group.

Even non-lethal acts that undermined the liberty, dignity, and personal security of members of a group constituted genocide if they contributed to weakening the viability of the group ["Native Americans", Mexicans, and 'Central Americans' as a united Nican Tlaca people]. 

Under Lemkin's definition, acts of ethnocide... also qualified as genocide.

Genocide is the denial of the right of existence to entire human groups, as homicide is the denial of the right to live of individual human beings..."

Spielberg is promoting Cortez in the film he is promoting.  Speilberg is disqualified from doing any film on our people because he has already done one genocidal racist film: "Road To El Dorado". Spielberg's Cortez film will not promote Cortez as the genocidal sociopath that he was, and he will not tell the truth of our civilizations or the holocaust of our people. 


We, the Nican Tlaca (Indigenous people) of Mexican, "Central and South American", and "Native American/ First Nation " descent, the people of Cemanahuac ("North and South America"), are ignorant of the fact that everyday of our lives we live as slaves to European culture and European settlers-squatters in the "United States"---and Canada, Mexico and "Central and South America". We are colonial possessions of Europeans. The false Hispanic and Latino labels intentionally confuse us as to our true identity.  We full-blood and mixed-blood are one people, all across our continent of Cemanahuac.

We are ignorant of the destructive and exterminating goals of the European assimilation process that is being used against us. Assimilation's goal is the complete genocidal extermination of our people.

Ignorance has kept us unaware of the Genocidal horror being committed against us. Ignorance has also kept us from the great history and accomplishments of our Cemanahuac civilizations.
Our great history of accomplishments, and our land, should be our pride. But we have been robbed of that pride, and of our lands and their wealth.

Once we learn this great history of our people we will regain our true pride. Once we know of the full meaning of the crimes of the Europeans, we will know that we have only one option: we have to take back our history, our land, and its wealth.

We are ignorant of the fact that we have the option of having a great future for our people---without Europeans in our lives or on our land.

Today it seems unimaginable to us that we could ever be without Europeans controlling our lives---or our land. They have made it seem impossible for us to ever be free from their control of our land or our lives. 

Europeans and their descendants have tortured that false idea of European undefeatable superiority, and hopeless inferiority for us---they have pounded this defeatist and cowardly mentality into our blood, flesh, breath, and heart for over 500 years.

But for those of us who study our ancestors, we know that we have to be free from Europeans. We can imagine total liberation. We know that it is possible and that it is an absolute necessity to be free from Europeans. We of the Mexica (Meh-she-kah) Movement Nican Tlaca Nation organization are now working for that total liberation.

We know that the process of gaining liberation requires an obligation to regain our history and our heritage, our honor, and our land.

We can gain all of the necessary knowledge that will liberate us when we seriously, positively, and constructively study our history (without Eurocentric colonialist interpretations). In that study, we can find the beauty of who we are as a people and the barbaric crimes of the Europeans---if we open up our eyes to the reality of our enslavement to the Europeans of Europe and the Europeans on our land. These semi-independent Europeans on our land call themselves "Americans", Cubans of Miami, and "Criollos of Mexico and 'Central and South America'". They are in fact colonialists.

We have to see the absolute need to be free from these colonialists and their monstrous and parasitic control of our lives and our land. Yes, it is still our land, no matter what the European thieves say! We have no other lands, this is our homeland!  Europeans have a homeland in Europe!  

We have to find the courage to tell European settlers-squatters that this is our land and that all of the wealth of our lands belongs to us. If we do not say this we are in fact saying that we approve of our slavery and of the theft of our wealth and land---and what does that say of us!?

All of our people have to see that the only honorable choice for us is to regain our heritage and our land---to be liberated. When we wake up to the "reality" understanding of all of this, we will see that we have been fraudulently and perversely taught to identify with the Europeans, their history, their religion, their destiny and their interests---and we will also see that their interests are to continue to enrich themselves (as thieves) from our land, at our expense.

The wealth of our land and our slave-wage labor are what has made Europeans wealthy all over this planet for the last 500 years. This theft and Genocide has been done by people who now call themselves "white", "American", and "descendants of Spaniards".

None of these people would have wealth today if their ancestors had not stolen our land, killed 95% of our population, killed 100 million of our people all across our continent, and made slaves of the remainder of our people (read AMERICAN HOLOCAUST by David Stannard).

500 years ago Europeans needed us to stay ignorant, and today they still need us to stay ignorant. But, they have also made sure that we have become a self-hating and European-loving people. We have been brutally trained to become a very happy group of ignorant unchained slaves! They give us the micro-crumbs of capitalism and we are happy. They give us stupid songs to sing and meaningless sports to watch on dumb-tv and we are happy. They give us drugs, alcohol, and hypocrite Christianity, and we are happy. We are so grateful to our criminal European masters for giving us the rare opportunity to copulate with their race (the "voluntary" rape of our people, assimilation as genocide). They have taught us to want to be just like them, to long to be of their blood by diluting our own blood with theirs to the point of extermination.

Europeans continue their enrichment from our land, and they continue the slow-motion genocide of our people. For over 500 years they have slow-motion used terrorism, the theft of our wealth, and the assimilation of our people, as different means with which to slowly destroy us as a people (read YEAR 501 by Noam Chomsky).

In order to accomplish their goals, they have taught us to fraudulently call ourselves "mestizo" and "Raza", or "Hispanic" and "Latino" or "American", and to pretend some false or weak blood-historical ties to Europe and/or to the Spaniards.

But if we honestly look into our mirror, our families, our history, and our people as a whole, we will see the truth of who we are: the Nican Tlaca of Cemanahuac, the full-blood and the mixed-blood, the light and the dark; we are the scarred survivors of a holocaust.

It is sad that we have been taught to love the lies that the Europeans tell us and the lies that we repeat to ourselves.

Many of our people now dye their hair and bleach their skin to bring out what is supposedly the true European blood in them. This is so sad and shameful. Europeans laugh at our people when we do this. We should also be laughing at our people when they do this, but we don't. But why don't we? Fake blond or red hair on our people is a lie.

A little over 500 years ago we were a great civilization, equal and in most instances better than the culture of the Europeans. 

Europeans criminally and monstrously destroyed our civilizations and cities and killed 95% of our population, killing 100 million of our people!

This is the part of our history that has been kept secret and forbidden. It is our birthright as human beings to know this, as is our right to our continent. The whole world needs to know this. Europeans have a special duty to learn this if they are now truly a civilized, ethical, and moral people as they claim.

When you finish reading this the whole of this statement you will understand why so much has been hidden from us and why Europeans don't want us or their own people to know of our heritage and of their crimes against us (read LATIN AMERICA by Noam Chomsky).

This statement is not about hating Europeans! It is about loving our own heritage and our own people.

On the other hand if you study the general European materials in the schools we attend, those written about our people, you will notice that whenever Europeans speak of our civilizations they speak of "savage human sacrifice" and "primitive culture" as a way to demean our civilizations and to kill our interest in the accomplishments of our people (our pride). This is somehow not looked at as spreading hate about us, nor is this supposed to be racist in any way. 

They say that they're just telling the truth. Why don't they tell the truth about that "refined Greek civilization" and its core cultural factor of men having sex with boys or that all of the "Greek" ideas were really Egyptian and Middle Eastern inventions and ideas? How about telling the truth about Christianity's forced recruitment technique of killing and torturing people as a way of terrorizing people into becoming Christian. The reality is that they teach us to hate ourselves and they also teach their people to hate us. They teach us the lie that they are superior, and the lie that we are inferior.

Europeans control our media and education systems in order to reinforce their lies about themselves and about us. Through their media and education systems, they trick us into looking at ourselves as "almost passable" Europeans, or "future generation Europeans". We have been taught by them to love European culture and the European people. We have been taught to want to be like them and to hate ourselves and to be a part of them, even if only to serve them.

We have been told that we are somehow artificial Europeans by the fact that the majority of us speak only their languages (English and/or Spanish) and because some of us have had their DNA raped into us and that we carry their cancerous and parasitic blood in us. The scar of their rapes on our people DOES NOT DEFINE US.  They have scarred, defiled, and wounded us with their presence on our land and in our flesh. This is not a permanent condition. We can recover.

We can, in the future, cure ourselves of the curse of their blood and their occupation of our land, and with a careful and studied reconstruction of ourselves as the united Nican Tlaca people of Cemanahuac. We can (with time and the educational work of liberation) be rid of Europeans from our lives and our land. It is not a crime to want to be a free people, to be free from Europeans. We can do this with the Nican Tlaca Cemanahuac education of our people, the Cemanahuac education of the Europeans, and the Cemanahuac education of the rest of the world.

Yes, with this blog we want to teach you to love our heritage and our people. We also want to teach you (Nican Tlaca and the European colonialists) to help our people to free themselves from all Europeans.

We need you to have all of this knowledge in our people's interests, and the courage to defend those interests. European "Morality" and "Christianity" mean nothing if they allow the current genocide of our people to continue.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018




April 9, 2018
Steven Spielberg, Amblin Television
Jeff Bezo, Amazon
Press Release For News Agencies
Regarding The Scheduled Racist Film 
On Cortez, The Hero of Hitler

Steven Spielberg and Jeff Bezos:
We are Mexica Movement Nican Tlaca Nation, an Indigenous rights educational organization for all Nican Tlaca (Indigenous people) of the “Western Hemisphere”. We focus on teaching the truth of our Pre-1492 and Post-1492 history. We confront white supremacy wherever it is. We have over 20 years of confronting white supremacy (see links at bottom). That is who we are.
Let us get to the point by saying that we know that this scheduled Cortez film, based on the racism, bias, ignorance and white supremacist script from the 1950's will be a genocidal act against our people.
This film will follow in the footsteps of all Hollywood films that took on this subject in the past: it will exclude the history of OUR NICAN TLACA HOLOCAUST, the serial holocausts that happened throughout our continent.
Also, this film will ignore the documented evil and inhumanity that was caused by Spaniards and other Europeans. Europeans who collectively killed 100 million of our people, killing 95% of our population, mainly with the use of smallpox as a biological weapon of mass extermination. This smallpox biological weapon allowed Europeans to steal 100% of our lands and to destroy all of our civilizations. This racist film will whitewash the evil that was Cortez, and minimize what was the beginning of the destruction of our cities and civilizations and the enslavement of our Post-Holocaust remnant Nican Tlaca population.
This Spielberg-Amazon film is another propaganda film that will justify white supremacy, colonialism, and the holocaust of our people throughout our continent.
This film is meant to help justify 500 years of genocide on our people, a film that has no place in the 21st century or even in these times of Trump’s regime of racism, corruption, sociopath mentalities, and immorality.
This Spielberg-Amazon film will exclude the genocidal acts of Cortez: his kidnapping of rulers, extortion for gold and silver, massacres in Cholula of 6,000 unarmed persons; the massacre in Tenochtitlan of an additional 10,000 human lives that were unarmed; his extermination of the civilizations of what is called “Mesoamerica”; and the overall sociopath mentality of Cortez who felt that our lives were wthout rights and were meaningless, that our rights were his for enslavement or extermination.
This white supremacist telling of the story of the evil acts of Cortez as "just adventure” will be self-serving for white supremacy and it will just be another of the millions of acts of genocide on all Nican Tlaca (Indigenous people) of this continent that we have suffered since 1492.
Adding to all of this is the ugly and racist history of Spielberg’s white supremacist film from 2000 called “Road To El Dorado” (link to LA Times article denouncing this racist film: 
This article and our direct complaint to Spielberg ( ) should explain our outrage at having Spielberg attempt to do another film with the subject of our civilizations.

This is what we are asking for immediately:
1) We demand that Amazon cancel all plans for the production of this film.
2) We insist that Amazon put a public notice of cancellation of Spielberg's racist film Cortez in a press release: Amazon will no longer be involved in the production or distribution, or in any way be involved, in the Steven Spielberg film known as "Cortez".
You need to know that our concern with this film is more than that this is a romantic gloss over the historically documented Spanish-European serial holocausts and their ongoing genocide committed against Nican Tlaca (Indigenous Peoples of Cemanahuac, “North and South America”). THIS FILM WILL BE AN ACT OF GENOCIDE (see Raphael Lemkin definition).
This film would be equivalent to creating a romantic biography of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, which would ignore the Jewish and Roma ("Gypsy") holocaust, and it would be ignoring the 10's of millions of people killed in World War II. This film would also be ignoring the racist, evil, monstrous and genocidal aspects of Adolf Hitler.
Sadly, as we mentioned above, Steven Spielberg should know better than to grab at this project. He has already produced a racist film, a cartoon comedy, on our people called Road To El Dorado, a film that depicts Nican Tlaca as evil savages with virtually no redeemable qualities to speak of. This act alone disqualifies him from ever making a film on our people.
Spielberg has clearly demonstrated a conscious intent to portray Nican Tlaca through ignorant racist stereotypes. Letting Spielberg do a film on our people again is like letting Trump do a film on ethics and morality, or a Trump film on how to tell the truth, or a Trump film on how to live in humility. Spielberg is automatically a person that is not acceptable to us, to do any film project on anything to do Nican Tlaca!
If it is not possible or convenient for Amazon to declare a cancellation of this Cortez film in writing via a press release, we will launch an all-out INTERNATIONAL social media campaign against Spielberg and all of his current and upcoming films and other projects. We will ask for a boycott of Amazon purchases.
Hopefully, a vision of a nightmare MONEY LOSS TO AMAZON will reinforce the idea of canceling this project. We are aware that it’s also possible that white supremacy is more powerful than money, as we are finding with the Trump mentality and its supporters.
These are not idle threats we are making; as you will see in the credentials link below and our Facebook page that we have created for this campaign ( In the sub-links found there, you will see clippings from our many successful protests. You can read of our campaigns against:
1) Disney for their planned Zapata film starring the Spaniard Antonio Banderas who was scheduled to play Emiliano Zapata, a Nican Tlaca person (this project was cancelled after one year of protests at Disneyland and in Hollywood);
2) Against Eddie Olmos for promoting Spielberg’s racist Road to El Dorado film;
3) Salma Hyeck for her 2002 Frida film in which she hired no Mexicans to play Mexicans (her film was a pariah in Mexico after our protests and articles in newspapers and magazines);
4) Our campaign against Steven Spielberg himself for his white supremacist vision of Road To El Dorado. His film lost money because of our campaign against his film.
5) We were able to stop a planned Ron Howard film on the “Conquistadores” a few years back. He saw our point and stopped his plans for making his film.
We have extensive experience in confronting racism in non-film issues also, like our long successful campaign against Columbus Day in Los Angeles, the campaign against the Sainthood for Junipero Serra, and our protests against police shootings, white supremacists attacking our communities, supporting for the Idle No More campaign, supporting the confrontation of the oil pipeline at Standing Rock, protesting Trump's racism, and we have protested many other acts of white supremacy against Nican Tlaca (Mexicans, “Censtral and South Americans”, and “Native Americans”) over the years.
Links to documents:
Los Angeles Times article explaining why “Road To El Dorado” is a racist film:…/10/entertainment/ca-18071

Our original letter from 2000 complaining directly to Spielberg about his racist film “Road To El Dorado”, in detail:…/SPIELBERGPAGEtext.htm

Photos of our protests against Spielberg for his racist film “Road To El Dorado”:

Our successful campaign to stop their “Zapata” film starring the Spaniard Antonio Banderas:

Newspaper articles regarding our campaign against the “Zapata” and eventual getting notice that Disney had canceled their plans to do their “Zapata” film (article in LA Weekly).…/newspaperszapataagainstdis…

11 Reasons Why Hernan Cortes Is One Of The All-Time Worst People In History:…/terrible-facts-abou…/setareh-janda…
We look forward to a definitive statement from Spielberg and Bezos very soon.
Olin Tezcatlipoca
Founder and Director, Mexica Movement Nican Tlaca Nation
Nelyollotl Toltecatl, Director Mexica Movement Nican Tlaca Nation
Yaocuicatl Chimalyaotl, Co-Director Mexica Movement Nican Tlaca Nation

For Immediate Release
April 9, 2018
Steven Spielberg’s Racist Cortez Film at Amazon
Contact: Olin Tezcatlipoca, Director Mexica Movement Nican Tlaca Nation:

We are Mexica Movement Nican Tlaca Nation, an Indigenous rights educational organization for all Nican Tlaca (Indigenous people) of the “Western Hemisphere”.
Steven Spielberg and Amazon are planning a film about Cortez’ “conquest” of Mexico. Spielberg has an ugly and racist history with his white supremacist film from 2000 called “Road To El Dorado” (link to LA Times article denouncing this racist film: ). This is our direct complaint to Spielberg about his racist film
This Cortez film will follow in the footsteps of all Hollywood films that took on this subject in the past: it will exclude the history of OUR NICAN TLACA HOLOCAUST, which was a series of holocausts that happened throughout our continent. Europeans collectively killed 100 million of our people, killing 95% of our population, mainly with the use of smallpox as a biological weapon of mass extermination.
This Spielberg-Amazon film is another propaganda film that will justify white supremacy, colonialism, and the genocide of our people throughout our continent.
This Spielberg-Amazon film will exclude the genocidal acts of Cortez: his kidnapping of rulers, extortion for gold and silver, massacres in Cholula of 6,000 unarmed persons; the massacre in Tenochtitlan of an additional 10,000 human lives that were unarmed; his destruction of the civilizations of what is called “Mesoamerica”; and the overall sociopath mentality of Cortez, who felt that our lives were without rights and were meaningless,and that our humanity was his for enslavement and/or extermination.
This white supremacist telling of the story of the evil acts of Cortez as "just adventure” will be self-serving for white supremacy and it will just be another in the millions of acts of genocide on all Nican Tlaca (Indigenous people) that we have suffered since 1492.
This is what we are asking for immediately:
We insist that Amazon STOP THIS ACT OF GENOCIDE and put a public notice of cancellation of Spielberg's racist film “Cortez” in a press release.
If this film is made, it would be equivalent to creating a romantic biography of Adolf Hitler, which would ignore the Jewish and Roma ("Gypsy") holocaust, and would be ignoring the 10's of millions of people killed in World War II. This film would also be ignoring the racist, evil, monstrous and genocidal aspects of Adolf Hitler.
            We have more information on our Facebook page on who we are and more details on our objections:

FROM THE LOS ANGELES TIMES: Our last successful confrontation with Spielberg:

Road to El Dorado' Has No Respect for History

April 10, 2000|OLIN TEZCATLIPOCA | Olin Tezcatlipoca is director of Mexica Movement, an indigenous rights education organization for people of Mexican and Central American descent

Imagine that you are living a couple of centuries in the future, and you have never heard of World War II or Nazis. Further imagine that you are being shown a movie about the Nazi commandant (portrayed as a happy-go-lucky, romantic guy named Fritz) at a concentration camp. This is a "recreational" Jewish camp where everyone is picnicking and having a great time.

Fritz is constantly looking to get rich off the Jewish campers, and they freely offer him their gold fillings, Swiss savings accounts and other valuables. He meets an evil rabbi who wants the valuables for himself, and a beautiful Jewish girl who offers herself as a sex toy. Without ever mentioning World War II, Nazis or the Holocaust, the film ends with Fritz living happily ever after with the wealth he has acquired from the Jewish people at the camp.

This racist-sexist scenario of lies is the equivalent to what is being done to us, the indigenous people of Mexican and Central American descent, by the new animated film "The Road to El Dorado."

Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks (the producer) and Universal Studios (the distributor) present the story of two Spaniards who stow away to the New World in the 16th century and wind up saving the village of El Dorado from a powerful priest intent on carrying out human sacrifices. This is an outrage, given the reality that the Spanish conquerors were responsible for the genocide of 23 million of our people--killing 95% of our population.

The film makes it look as if we were immoral and evil when it was the Spaniards who were immoral. They stole our gold, labor and land. They raped and culturally castrated our population, enslaving us to their Spanish names, language and interests.

DreamWorks is claiming that the film is a "complete fantasy fairy tale," but the scenario of the concentration camp above would never be accepted as a "complete fantasy fairy tale" by anyone. DreamWorks thinks it is acceptable here because the story is only about indigenous people. They have no respect for our people--no shame!


To target this racist-sexist poison to children, who know nothing about this history, should be considered a crime.

"The Road to El Dorado" must be removed from the market before it goes to video, cable and commercial television around the world. Spielberg, shame on you! Universal Studios, stop your distribution of this abomination.

If you don't know this history, read "American Holocaust" by David Stannard, "Stolen Continents" by Ronald Wright and "A Little Matter of Genocide" by Ward Churchill. These are the histories that should be taught in our schools today to ensure that racist films like this are never made again.


End of Disney Zapata Film
End of Disney Zapata Film
In 2001 we protested Disneyland Anaheim for attempting to do a film on the Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata STARING A SPANIARD. That would have been like having Brad Pitt playing the part of Malcolm X. We succeeded in having Disney cancelling their film. We protested Disney also in Hollywood at their showings of Lion King at the Pantages theater. Link below: